
Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning

Get the most out of your renewable energy with Sound Cleaning commercial solar panel cleaning services.

Solar panels are designed to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity however, solar panels can be negatively impacted by dirt, debris, and other forms of buildup. Sound Cleaning Resources is dedicated to maximizing the efficiency and aesthetics of your business or building and we are please to offer solar panel cleaning services all over the Pacific Northwest. If you are looking for a commercial solar panel and cleaning services company, Sound Cleaning Resources will get the job done right so you can continue to benefit from your investment into solar energy.

Solar Panel Cleaning Process

  • Utilize ground level water faucet
  • Use soft bristle brush, water and soap to gentle clean panels
  • Remove and/or dispose of debris utilizing drainage filters where necessary

Past Project Examples

Frequently Asked Question

What is your commercial solar panel cleaning process?

We use a non-abrasive cleaning solution with a soft-bristled brush or a sponge to gently scrub the panels. Using clean water and non-abrasive solutions ensure the panels are not scratched or damaged during cleaning. We then rinse the panels thoroughly with water to remove any dirt or debris. Genuine Microfiber cloths are used to clean any excess water in the corners, edges and frames.

Why is it important to have my solar panels cleaned?

One of the primary benefits of solar panels is that they allow you to harness the power of the sun to generate clean, renewable energy. However, when solar panels become dirty, their efficiency can be significantly reduced. This is because dirt and debris on the surface of the panels can block sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells that convert the energy into electricity. This means that your solar panels may not be generating as much energy as they could be, leading to a decrease in your energy savings, which no one wants.

Cleaning your solar panels on a regular basis is essential for ensuring optimal performance. While solar panels are designed to be durable and withstand harsh weather conditions, they can still be damaged by dirt and debris buildup. In addition, regular cleaning can help to prevent long-term damage to the panels, such as scratches or cracks. By keeping your solar panels clean, you can ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency, maximizing your energy savings and reducing your environmental impact.

How often should you clean solar panels?

The frequency at which you should clean your solar panels can depend on various factors such as location, weather conditions, and the amount of dust or debris that accumulates on the panels. As a general guideline, it is recommended to clean your solar panels at least once a year to ensure optimal performance. However, if your property experiences a high level of dust, or debris, or if you notice a significant decrease in the efficiency of your solar panels, you may need to clean them more frequently.

Are you insured for commercial solar panel cleaning?

Yes, we are licensed bonded and insured.

Do you have references specifically from other commercial solar panel cleaning customers?

Yes, we will be happy to provide you with names and numbers of current customers.

How much does it cost for solar panel cleaning services?

Prices can vary based on the size, number, height and accessibility of the panels. Call us at (425) 451-3337click here for an online estimate form or email us at for a free customized estimate.